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Archives: Profiles
Ivana Tukša Jelić
began her music education in the Music school Albert Štrige in Križevci, and graduated from music highschool Blagoj Berse in Zagreb, in the class of professor Renata Strojin Richter. She graduated in Piano Performance from the Music Academy in Zagreb in 1994 in the class of Pavica Gvozdić, and she completed a two-year elective training in harpsichord ...
Srđan Filip Čaldarović
Diplomirao na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u razredu Vladimira Krpana (1995.), te se usavršavao na Indiana University School of Music u Bloomingtonu u klasi Leonarda Hokansona i na Trinity College of Music u Londonu u klasi Philipa Fowkea da bi magisterij stekao na University of Miami, Florida, u klasi J. Roberta Floyda (2002.).